Monday, October 7, 2013

Fall Festival!

 Future QB?
 Perhaps! Nice shot!
 Enjoying the *free* ice cream!
 Scooter board races
 The beautiful ocean view from the playground
 Enjoying the food truck taco and vinegar fries!
 Blake braving the rock wall...way to go!
 Dane is on the left climbing the rock wall with one of his friends and classmates
 Go Dane!
 Frisbee toss game
Blake used all his might to throw those Frisbees!
We enjoyed the Del Mar Heights Elementary Fall Festival yesterday! As a family, even with Matt being on call. Everyone had a great time playing, eating, & socializing in the sun. It has taken a bit to adjust, but Del Mar does have a great community feel and they are committed to wonderful schools. So much fun!

1 comment:

Catie Murphy said...

Wow! This was a community event??? Looks amazing. I am so impressed at the boys scaling the rock wall; that is not easy and it is pretty scary! What views and what weather...gosh!