Blair is constantly on the move now, so you can see picture taking is becoming a challenge! As well as hat and bow wearing. She is not in agreement that these accessories make the outfit, but I will continue to work on that :) I am starting to see what is in our future with this little girl. She is a busy little bee grabbing for everything and wants to be into everything. Oh how life will change in a few months! Blair is quite the eater and is quickly outgrowing her 9 months clothes. No teeth yet which isn't a suprise since the boys were also late to get teeth. She is still breastfeeding enjoying bottles only with Daddy, and loves her homemade baby food. Her well visit is tomorrow, so we will see how much this on-the-move little girl has grown! Happy 7-month baby girl!
*I should point out this post is 5 days late. She was 7 months old on the 10th, same day as Blake's birthday. I obviously had trouble celebrating two things on time ;)
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