As awful as I looked and felt this past Saturday night, it was still a very fun and exciting event! This was our third roast since Matt began the residency program, which means we are saying goodbye to people we are closer to each year. But, we also get to say hello to a new group! June is a busy month in the world of residency as the 5th years take their last calls and get ready to move, the new interns arrive and adjust to a new city, and we attend the roast and then the annual picnic is next weekend. Then...the residents all rotate "up" one year on July 1st. For Matt, this year is significant as he becomes a 4th year, a chief, and his responsibilities increase tremendously. He will also soon make the decision on fellowship (sub-specialty) and begin the interview process late fall/early winter of this year. We should know where we are headed for the 6th (yes, 6th!!) year sometime next spring. Cross your fingers it is somewhere exciting :) New Zealand has been mentioned, so you never know!
Extend your congrats to Matt for almost having another year of residency under his belt. As always, the hours and hard work he puts in is unimaginable and something most cannot relate to. His abilities as a physician and surgeon are amazing and continue to grow. We are so proud of him and can't wait to see what the final two years of residency bring....a baby girl hopefully soon :) and more visitors to see the beautiful place we are calling home for another two years.
What a lovely post, Beth! You always do a nice job of explaining the residency journey...Thanks for sharing, girl!
Conragulations on surviving another year. And you look great!
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