Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is this a Sign?

After much thought and ignoring my feelings of guilt, I hired a cleaning lady. Those of you who know me well know this was a very difficult decision for me. I like to do everything myself, and Matt and I both NEVER hire out and always do everything ourselves. So, I researched, called many references and took the plunge.

She was initially scheduled for Wednesday at 1:00pm, which totally conflicted with naps since she would be cleaning up to 4 hours, but I was committed to make it work. She called at almost 1:00pm to tell me her Dyson was not working and needed serviced. What is a cleaning lady without her vacuum? So, okay, we rescheduled for today at 2:00pm. Again, conflicting with naps, but going to make it work. She frantically sent me a text a little before 2:00pm asking me to call her because our dog attacked her. Um. Okay. So, I called...we talked...she told me her life story of her fear of dogs. Baron is a yellow lab who makes you fear him by licking you and jumping up with excitement. Attack is not an appropriate description. I explained to her just open the back door and leave him outside until you are done. No such luck. I explained that I refuse to leave him outside from the beginning of the day or kennel him, so now she is coming back in one week (her next opening) at a time where I not only have to load my kids up and go somewhere, but also my 80+lb. dog.

Maybe this a sign from above reminding me why we don't hire out. We have done it twice while living here. Once for a fence, which has to be redone before putting it on the market. And, second, for interior painting which had to be completely redone by Matt and me. We decided never again. But, I made the leap in hopes to ease my load a bit. Maybe I will just live with a dirty house.


Annie said...

Oh! I'm so sorry it's not working out. When we lived in WA I was referred to some cleaning ladies, a crew really. Three of them came and cleaned my house in an hour and a half every other week. This was when I was pregnant with Phoebe. They continued to come until Phoebe was about 4 months old. Then I cut back to once a month. THey were awesome and it was the best money I ever spent!
Sound's like this lady you found is a little flaky. I hope you can find someone that will help you.

danielle said...

Oh no Beth! I don't think it is a bad idea at all just maybe not a reliable person? Not sure. But stick with it... if she doesn't work, I would call some one else. That will help you tremendously!

Catie Murphy said...

Gosh! This cleaning lady sounds like high maintanence! But I completely agree with Danielle, the right person WILL indeed lighten your load and help you out! We all need to hire out here and there...