Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Official Passenger of The Potty Train...

I am going to go out on a limb here and tell you that Blake is just shy is being 100% potty trained! We are in the middle of our second week since the donning of Elmo undies and Blake is doing FANTASTIC! I won't share all of the glorious details, but I will tell you that Blake is able to communicate through words that he needs to go potty and when he has gone on the potty. His only accidents occur when he goes a teeny tiny bit, stops and tells me "pee" or "potty." He has even gone #2 ONLY in the potty! I hope I haven't jinxed anything, but I had to tell you Blake's big success and that we are all so proud of him...even Dane who claps and yells "yay!" when Blake goes potty. I truly think Dane is just about ready, too, because he is now telling me when he goes potty in his diaper. Being diaper-free was once just a dream! There is no turning back now on this potty train. The final stop will be staying dry overnight...

1 comment:

Catie Murphy said...

Hooray for the potty train and for the job train! Choo-Choo! Greenville suits you all quite well, huh? :)