Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The New Kid at School!

Blake's first day of school (finally!) happened today! After two snow days and a late start today, he began his day at 10:00am. He sure looked handsome, confident and excited to go to his new school. Upon arrival a sweet 5th grade girl approached us - even before we reached the front door - and said "Is this Blake?" She was ready to walk him to class as she is his teacher's helper and will walk him to class each day. She knew who he was only after seeing his picture once. After telling her I would walk him in his first day she was eager to inform me she would greet him tomorrow in the carpool line and walk him in. Amazing girl, and school for having such a program. After making our way through the very busy hallways Blake entered the classroom on his own, put his bag and coat in his cubby with a little guidance, and off he went to greet peers and play. No goodbye for mommy without a little force :(
Blake's day ended at 2:00pm. I picked up him with his teacher along side who reported "he didn't miss a beat!" She said that when children start they put them in cube chairs to contain them during circle time and they gradually move to sitting on their space on the floor. Blake didn't need the cube chair and was able to sit on his space the whole time! He played, ate in the cafeteria and had rest time. He was TIRED and somewhat zoned when I picked him up. He seems exhausted and it wasn't even a full day. So, tomorrow I will drop him off at an early 7:45am. Gosh, I miss him and it seemed like Dane did, too. I'm sure he will head to bed early tonight. I am one proud mommy!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Congratulations on a great first day! Those pictures are precious. He looks so grown up and adorable!