I recall a conversation Matt and I had at Starbucks in Prarie Village, Kansas. We were doing our own personal ranking for the residency match to then submit a final rank and await our fate. One part of the conversation sticks out in my mind where Matt said, "If we move to the Southeast where it is warmer our children won't be as sick." Boy, that sounded so appealing..THEN! Although I do love the Southeast, I have suctioned more snot out of my childrens' noses in the last 2 days than the entire time we lived in Kansas City!
I also recall conversations with realtors, contractors and various other people in the Greenville area during our first visit here. The common statement...Greenville is the allergy capital of the United States! Oops! I know this stent of illness is not allergy related since both boys and I have had a fever. I have had the worst case of body aches I have ever had! Blake came to Greenville taking 2 allergy medications that may need to be increased, and the rest of us may need to start taking them! We'll have to get over this bug to determine if allergies are affecting us.
I must commend my husband for taking care of EVERTHING since Sunday morning. I have been in bed since then and truly unable to function. I just hope he doesn't catch this nasty illness. Meanwhile, we will continue our routine...saline, suction, snot, repeat. And don't forget the wrestling match that goes with each trial! Thank goodness both of my children open wide and willingly to take the antibiotics, Tylenol and Motrin!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A Family Affair...
Wow, what a weekend! Matt's birthday was Friday...we went to the zoo Saturday with friends...spent the morning at the park on Sunday and then the afternoon outside working in the yard. And, yes, all of it as a family! I can't remember the last time we had the opportunity to relax and do family activities for the entire weekend. And to top it off, the weather was so perfect...jeans and a T-shirt needing a sweatshirt just first thing in the morning or in the evening. Agh! The trees are starting to change, and I have grown to appreciate all of the beautiful trees here in Greenville. I am convinced there are more trees just in the Greenville area than in the entire state of Kansas...and Missouri, too! Fall here is amazing. Attached to this post are some pictures from our fun weekend. Oh...Dane isn't in many pictures because he was sleeping during a lot of the photo opportunities. We didn't just leave him at home :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Brotherly Love...
Potty training is just that - training. Practice, practice, practice! Blake did go #2 in the toilet three times this weekend!! Very exciting! Peeing is another story, but the books say that is normal. I have felt very trapped in my house and being the complete opposite of a homebody-type, I purchased a portable fold-up potty ring for when we are out and about. Overall, Blake is doing a great job and even signs potty and runs toward the bathroom - even if there is not a "production" at least he is able to communicate what he needs!
I was so excited yesterday when I spotted pumpkins at the local market. I just HAD to buy a few small ones. And for those of you who were at our wedding...do you remember those 200 small white pumpkins? Matt and my Dad sat in our basement and drilled the top out just enough to put a tealight inside for table decoration. They looked so great and really showed my love of Fall and Halloween! So does the napkin placed with the pumpkins in the picture above, but in true southern style :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
For Mature Audiences Only...
I got this very funny and very entertaining book for my birthday...thank you, Lauren! I'm telling you what is inside this book is much better than what you are visualizing in your head as "porn." You may have seen this book before, but if not, each page has a picture of a very attractive guy sometimes posing with a baby, a vacuum, he may have on an apron...you get the idea. What guys typically don't have with them. I have to share some of the quotes from the pages of "Porn for New Moms!" These are from the mouths of the men on the pages. Enjoy...(especially all of you moms!)
- Damn! You look hot in those sweatpants!
- Don't worry, honey. Your mother and I will take wonderful care of the baby while you and your girlfriends are at the spa.
- Look! She loves the sound of the vacuum cleaner. And you should see her light up when I damp mop!
- No, you relax for a while. I've figured out how to fold everything one-handed.
- So, tell me again, what was the consistency of the poop?
- Sure, your girlfriends can drop their babies off here while you girls go to the bar. The more the merrier!
- Hey, the guys are coming over. They want to help me take the baby to the park!
- No, No! Sit down! I'll do the dishes. After nine and half months of pregnancy, 26 hours of labor and 18 stitches, you don't have to do a damn thing around here!
- And my favorite...If I promise to do all the laundry and diaper changes for the next few years, can we have another one?
Although the book credits itself as porn, there is no nudity, but it is VERY good therapy for moms! It is even better when you can read it in person. What a fantastic gift!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Let the Games Begin...
...or is it, let's get ready to rumble? We are getting ready to enter the world of potty training. I am excited and scared to death. This is all set to start this coming Saturday morning where we will spend our weekend on lock down. I bought the roast and the fixin's for the crock-pot yesterday, so we should have the food we need during the crazy experience. I have been prepping for about a month with a couple of books, a video and CONSTANT talk about diapers, pee, poop, flushing, toilets, potty, etc., etc...if there is a topic that has to do with going potty we've addressed it. I never thought I would be carrying poop in a diaper to a toilet with Blake along side, dumping it in and flushing, then waving saying "bye bye poop," then clapping! So, the pictures above are Blake opening his potty present - an Elmo seat. I am all into going potty on the real thing as long as you don't fall in...I am NOT cleaning a potty chair and I can't carry it around with me (or at least I refuse to). He was very excited and even carried it into the bathroom to put it on the toilet. We have all of our ammunition ready in each bathroom - poster that is for the reward stickers, books, M&M's, goldfish and other yummies. The unfortunate thing is I know that even with all of this wonderful planning and the fact that Blake has all of the readiness signs, it all will likely slap me in the face and we'll by flying by the seat of our pants (sorry for the pun!). I just hope we are ALL smiling come Monday morning!
A Very Happy Birthday!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Grandpa & Grandma Blair come to Greenville!
A little update...Matt is now on a new rotation. He is doing orthopedic surgery for the month of September, which is what his speciality will be and what he will do full time after first year. So, he is quite happy..and I am, too, now that the previous rotation is behind him. I did a little happy dance last Friday knowing that schedule was over. I am staying busy driving and driving some more taking Blake to and from school and running wherever I need to in between. It's hard to imagine all the driving I will do when they get older and get more involved in different activities! Blake is doing well in school. He has a big evaluation coming up next Friday the 12th for the Greenville County School District, which is where he will start going after he turns 3 next February (unless we decide on private school). He also has his big team evaluation meeting for the school he currently attends on October 2nd. Lots of changes for him - and for us as he grows up! We have a trip planned to an apple orchard in the mountains in early October with the other resident wives and their children. I can't wait for the fresh apples and colors of fall, although the trees are already changing, but it is still almost 90 degrees! I know I will miss the cooler temperatures of the Midwest, and yes, I will actually miss the snow. I am visualizing my friend, Jean, cringing from that comment :) Then there is Dane. He is great and on the go! He is eating table foods, drinking from a sippy cup, and loves chowing on the Gerber stars and bananas. He is cruising everywhere and growing up too fast! I have a found a place for Mother's Morning Out for him, but have to be on a wait list for a bit. He is a treat and certainly ALL boy.
Guess that is all from the Hollenbeck home! I have some new fun pictures of the boys that I hope to post in a slide show soon.
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