Thursday, August 21, 2008

The best time of year is approaching!

One would think I am talking about Fall. It is my favorite time of year by a landslide, but after a shopping trip to Target I saw the first signs of the beginning of several months of happiness. As many of you know I have an obsession with peanut butter and can quickly get out of hand. My favorite treats start at Halloween. What am I speaking of? (drum roll, please) REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER PUMPKINS...then trees, then hearts, then eggs. So, when I was at Target I saw the first bags of candies wrapped in fall foliage wrappers. Those precious pumpkins are just around the corner. The funny thing is I won't buy the 6-pack package of any type of the treats (makes me feel a little too indulgent), but I will buy 2/$1.00 EVERY time I go to the grocery store from Halloween to Easter. Funny how the mind works. So, now all of you have a job to do. You have to help me determine a shape or figure to convince Reese's to make these treats through the Summer. I must have them year-round. Enough about my addiction. I won't go as far as to reveal the ritualistic way I eat them...


Annie said...

How about a flag shape with red, white and blue foil on for the packaging. Or baseball and bat? That says summer, right?

Catie Murphy said...

Beth, you are hilarious! I am having a ball reading your blog!