Painting pottery with friends at The Glazing Pot
Celebrating Dane's friend, Dap, at a super fun pirate party
A rare moment during trauma time at the zoo

Eating ice cream & popsicles after playing in the fountains with friends
Exploring Hollywild Animal Park with friends
We are enjoying Summer so far, and with less than one month until the first day of school it's time to soak up the rest! Trying to stay cool has been key so we've made many trips to the fountains in downtown Greenville and to the pool in the neighborhood adjacent to ours. Having a pass to the zoo has been fantastic, and experiences we have had with friends and playgroups have brought lasting memories. We have also enjoyed visiting the library to participate in fun activities, check out books and play on the computers. Things we are looking forward to include a trip to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC, a visit from Mimi & Papa, swimming lessons, and gathering school supplies! And I'm sure more trips to the Greenville zoo, fountains and various parks before school begins. Signing up for Fall soccer for both Blake and Dane is happening, so that glorious, COOLER time of year is on the horizon! We hope you are enjoying all the fun that Summer has to offer where you are! Stay cool!