Thursday, December 29, 2011

Organized Chaos

The name of this blog background, and how I envision 2012. My favorite is the splatter of spilled coffee on the left...a perfect illustration of what my weekday mornings often look like. And I often feel, like this blog background, many to-do notes push pinned into my brain in a haphazard fashion. This year holds exciting, yet also anxiety-inducing things...

-Interviews for Matt's fellowship begin.

-We are rounding the corner to finish year 4 of residency,

and will begin the 5th - and FINAL - year on July 1st.

-We find out in April where we will go for fellowship starting in August 2013.

-Upon getting the above information we begin the search for a new place to live, for schools, doctors (you get the idea) in a new city.

-We are putting our house on the market in a few short months.

-Blair will turn ONE!

-Blake will start first grade, yes first grade.

-Matt will be seriously searching for a job.

-And last, but certainly not least, we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary.

Our road continues to be exciting, albeit a challenge. We are looking forward to 2012 and finding out so much that will ultimately lead to new chapters in our lives. I, of course, hope it leads us back to family and friends, but that is yet to be decided. I am sure the Hollenbeck household will remain busy, perhaps imitating our blog background title. Either way, I know new memories will be created and we will handle whatever we are given. Wishing all of you the best for a happy, healthy and memorable 2012...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Season of Giving...

This year I decided it was time to start a tradition with my children that I was introduced to as a child. Giving our time, energy, love and goods during the holiday season. I have fond memories of volunteering while growing up doing a variety of things to help others in need, which spilled over into adulthood in both volunteer and work efforts. I truly appreciate the exposure I have had to other cultures, socioeconomic levels, home environments and overall needs of those in the communities I have lived. I have seen poverty beyond belief, wealth that seems unattainable and everything in betweeen while doing home health. I have witnessed true need and appreciation at soup kitchens, homeless shelters and battered women homes during times of volunteering. These experiences were and still are a true gift and ones I will never forget. Perhaps that is why I continue to seek them out...

So, during this week while school is out, but it is not yet Christmas I chose four charities in Greenville to give of ourselves. Our first experience was yesterday, Meals on Wheels. All three children plus me arrived at Meals on Wheels to pick up food and our route. The boys carried the cooler, counted out drinks and meals, and were great sports while driving our route to deliver meals to eleven individuals. We talked about how we were providing them food, that they lived very close to us and needed assistance while our pantry is full, and wished each recipient a Merry Christmas. By the end, I think the boys gathered what our goal was and each person enjoyed a warm meal and smiles from us. It was incredibly rewarding! The rest of our week will entail a Toys of Tots drop off, food and toiletry drop off at Harvest Hope Food Bank, and a gift for the Salvation Army Angel Tree.

I am in hopes my children will appreciate these experience as we will do them each year during the holidays, and hopefully throughout the year as times allows. This was my first Meals on Wheels experience and I plan to get a weekly route since I enjoyed it so much! The magic of Christmas is certainly for children, but I would love for mine to not center it around making their lists and checking them twice. I want them to enjoy Santa, opening gifts and being with family, but I also hope they seek out those in need and offer their time and energy as gifts to those in our community who are less fortunate. I hope you are enjoying this season as much as we are!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Ready for the party! They clean up nice, huh?

Blair looking pretty in her new Christmas dress from Mimi & Papa

I have a sweet picture of the boys' faces when Santa arrived, but had to share this one instead. This was them waiting in line to see Santa. Priceless. It is like our own version of "The Christmas Story" If only I could have the entire line procession (and party) on video :)

Blake was so excited and ran right to Santa!

Dane, on the other hand, was a bit apprehensive. I was surprised he did it.

Today was the Down syndrome Alliance of Greenville's Christmas party. I took all 3 by myself thinking it was just a "come in, have a cookie or two, drink punch, see Santa, be on your merry way" kind of thing. But, I arrived to find a beautifully decorated hall with a sit-down lunch, centerpieces, and a fully decorated stage with a Santa chair! I was blown away! I have to admit it was a challenge to manage all 3 at a nice meal and for over 2 hours, but the memories were all worth it. And no shopping mall Santa to boot.

Blair Elise is 5 months old today!

...and apparently she is taking the same hair coloring route her Mommy did. She is now sporting an adorable red hue, which is what I did as an infant before my hair turned blond. Whatever color her hair decides on staying I am making note now to encourage her to treasure it and never color/highlight it! Or she will be in the same boat - expensive boat - that I am! Let's not mention all of the gray hair I am trying to cover...either way, Happy 5th Month, Blair!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sorbet Stripes

What fun it is to have a little girl...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pleasant Surprise...

For probably the second time since we moved to Greenville I went to the local Down syndrome alliance's website. I just needed to verify the time for their Christmas party this weekend. When the site came up my sweet boys' faces were looking back at me! I had no idea! It sure makes me proud to be their Mommy! Here is the link if you want to check it out...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Parade

Getting ready to go...Blair in her Christmas fancy pants :)

Waiting patiently for the parade to begin...

Enjoying all of the sights and sounds of Christmas

No caption needed...

This year instead of going to Greenville's parade downtown, we decided to check out the Simpsonville's Christmas parade. Personally, I liked it a lot better. It was less crowded and at 3pm, not late in the evening. We really enjoyed seeing the floats, listening to the bands play Christmas music, and simply seeing the excitement and smiles on the boys' faces (Blair was napping through it all). And, as always, we cherished having Matt there with us and being able to take it all in as a family.