If Blake looks a bit disheveled, well it is probably because he was...and probably because we ALL were this morning! It is hard enough to adjust to getting up earlier, but to do so after a very fun and adventurous vacation is even more of a challenge! We were all still a bit groggy. But, even so Blake was up and in my room with clothes and underpants in hand at 5:45am (a little earlier than the 6:00am alarm!). At this point school is something you don't have to convince Blake to attend or enjoy. When I dropped him off he was beaming, when I picked him up he was beaming. Grinning ear to ear! When we walked into his classroom (since carpool line doesn't start until next week - grrr) he quickly turned around said "kiss" for me to kiss him, then waved and said "bye!" Hint, hint Mommy. So, guess who cried this morning? Dane! He was so sad to leave his brother and wanted to stay. He will be back to his school tomorrow and will start back to 3 days a week as I do the same for work. My boss was kind enough to allow me to work only 2 days during summer break to save some dough in childcare costs! So..I can chalk this up to the worst back to school photo thus far, but Blake's smiles and excitement for school makes the need for this picture pretty minuscule.