Sunday, May 30, 2010
Making Progress
Friday, May 28, 2010
Virus..Be Gone!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Pool Party!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Not The Best Week Ever...
- Matt still on ER rotation which translates to departure at 4:30am and return home after 6:00pm. (saying that in hopes you all will appreciate his schedule as well as my single mommyhood since the boys are in bed around 7:45pm)
- Dane vomits on Mommy at 2:00am Monday night after Blake got up at midnight for no apparent reason. Dane sleeping in bed with Mommy = no sleep for Mommy. Dane's fever begins. *Matt sleeps in a different room since his day begins at 4:00am.
- Take Blake to school Tuesday morning only to turn around and pick him up at 9:00am with a fever. (Thanks to my wonderful husband for making me go to Mom's Night Out this night)
- Blake begins vomiting Wednesday around 1:00am. Sleeps with Mommy = no sleep for Mommy, and wakes up at 3:30am with more GI surprises.
- Blake & Dane both home from school Wednesday with high fevers, moaning and groaning. Both requesting to be held and pinning me to the couch for long periods of time. Dane's fever hits 103 degrees and full body rash appears at 6:00pm.
- No surprises Wednesday night and Mommy gets a full night of sleep :)
- Blake awakens today with no fever. Dane awakens with 101 fever and full body rash. Take Blake to school with fingers crossed. Take Dane to the pediatrician with diagnosis of Roseola.
- At the present time...Mommy has not showered since Tuesday morning, the house is a complete disaster other than sanitized bedding and clothing, I did not work one minute this week which means I did not earn one penny this week, and we have no food in the pantry or refrigerator (which is okay because no one is eating).
- In the near future...Mommy is looking forward to a Friday of catching up and the weekend. But, wait, Matt is on call this weekend. Maybe I should be looking forward to NEXT weekend.
Monday, May 10, 2010
I just had the most amazing Mother's Day! Really, I think it was the entire weekend, not just one day. The best gift was Matt was off all weekend. Saturday, the whole family spent the morning on a run at Falls Park, then walking through and buying yummy fresh produce at the farmer's market, and persuing though the art fair. We were able to visit with friends and take in all of the sights that never seem to get old here in Greenville, especially the spring gardens. Mother's Day was full of wonderful moments including sleeping in!, breakfast by Matt, lunch by Matt that was enjoyed on a picnic at Legacy Park (yet another beautiful park in Greenville), dinner by Matt that included steaks on the grill!, and a very thoughtful gift from Matt and the boys. Not to mention the other lovely cards, gifts and handmade goodies from family and friends.
I also have to share something that allowed me to title this blog post, "Mom." The something that happened last week was something I have waiting 4 years for. I'm sure a lot of people take this for granted, but when it finally happened for me it took my breath away. Blake said "Mom" for the first time. The "M" sound has always been the hardest for him to say. He talks all of the time and now in phrases and sentences, but that "M" sound has always been a challenge. I have been called "Mi" for awhile (the ending syllable of Mommy). A game we play is to point to everyone in the family and say their name. When I got to me Blake said clear as a bell, "Mom." As you can guess I now ask him to say it ALL the time! It was truly magical and I told Matt there was nothing in the world I needed now for Mother's Day or any day. It was the best gift.
I am so unbelievably blessed to be a mom to two wonderful boys! What a treasure it was to celebrate my mom, all the moms I know and love, and to know how lucky I am to be called mom.