Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We're not in Kansas anymore...
...when Tornado warnings were fun! At least for me. I love the thrill of bad weather (and the science behind it), but the tornado warning that occurred here today was not at all fun. While living in the midwest I remember gathering the important items and going to the basement where you would camp out until the all clear was announced. It was great...sitting with your family watching TV or listening to the radio just hanging out! Maybe finshing a load of laundry or reading a magazine. At least that is what my family does. Of course in the back of mind is always the thought of my home being damaged or worse, something happening to someone in my family. I've been very lucky. in South Carolina where we do NOT have basements I decided to listen intently to the meteorologists on tornado procedures. First he said the IDEAL place to go is the basement, then he proceeded to say very few of us in the South have basements. Duh. I had to go to the interior of my home away from windows. So, myself, Blake, and Dane ended up in a 2ft x 2ft area in the closet under the staircase. Our dog...our 80+ lb. dog...who was freaking out proceeded to get into this area as well. Did I mention when they issued the warning Blake was upstairs asleep and Dane had just fallen asleep? I had to wake them both out of their slumber - now crying - and squeeze them into a small closet with coats hanging over their heads and vacuum cleaner attachments on the floor (which Dane ended up using as a teether). They looked at me like I had lost my mind, then we made a game out of it since I had stickers within reach. The game didn't last long which meant a lot of crying and trying to escape the closet. So, while there was no lounging in the basement and what seemed like a long amount of time with intense stress, Fay has made her appearance and our house is still standing! Plus, we spent time in an area of our house that gets little personal attention. All I really wanted to do was mop while the boys were sleeping...guess I have a good excuse that it is not done :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dane's first haircut!
I'm not sure what made me think that today was a good day to take both boys to get haircuts by myself! I was certain it was going to be a nightmare as I put my game face on in the parking lot ready to tackle anything they threw my way. Luckily (and to my surprise), they proved me wrong! They were so well-behaved and tolerant! I do give the stylist all the credit...and her television that was coincidentally playing Sesame Street, which is the their favorite show. For the first time Blake did not scream, cry, dodge the scissors or clippers and sat completely still the entire time. Dane has a history of pinching, hitting, biting and flat out getting pissed, I was pleasantly surprised when he sat there so innocently and spent most of his time admiring himself in the mirror. Our haircut days will be on Monday with Sue at Head Coach Haircuts at 10am when Sesame Street is on...I will NOT forget that! Someone must have been watching over me knowing how exhausted I am from this crazy month while Matt is on pediatric surgery. Now I am the only who looks like I just rolled out of bed :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The best time of year is approaching!
One would think I am talking about Fall. It is my favorite time of year by a landslide, but after a shopping trip to Target I saw the first signs of the beginning of several months of happiness. As many of you know I have an obsession with peanut butter and can quickly get out of hand. My favorite treats start at Halloween. What am I speaking of? (drum roll, please) REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER PUMPKINS...then trees, then hearts, then eggs. So, when I was at Target I saw the first bags of candies wrapped in fall foliage wrappers. Those precious pumpkins are just around the corner. The funny thing is I won't buy the 6-pack package of any type of the treats (makes me feel a little too indulgent), but I will buy 2/$1.00 EVERY time I go to the grocery store from Halloween to Easter. Funny how the mind works. So, now all of you have a job to do. You have to help me determine a shape or figure to convince Reese's to make these treats through the Summer. I must have them year-round. Enough about my addiction. I won't go as far as to reveal the ritualistic way I eat them...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
It never rains in South Carolina...
But, you can grow anything! I would never credit myself with having a green thumb, but here in the Carolinas you can sure pretend to have one. This is just one of 5 pots and a hanging basket that I have on and near our front porch. They all look like this! So what is the magic trick? Water. And if these flowers are lucky I remember everyday. I could never grow flowers like this in Kansas City! I guess if I didn't remember to water them occasionally they would eventually suffer since we are in an extreme drought and 19" behind in rain. If only Fay would head this way...
Blake is at his 2nd day of school and Dane is napping upstairs. I wasn't quite sure what to do! I guess taking pictures of flowers seemed like a good option and better than continuing to unpack and organize :) Blake really loves his school. He carried his backpack in by himself today with just a little help to hang it on the hook, then went right into his room to play! No hug today - just like yesterday. I cried when I left him as an 8-month old and I wanted to cry yesterday because he wouldn't hug me goodbye! The Meyer Center has a great program. He will be in a classroom from 9am-1:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He has all kinds of activities and therapies including music therapy, OT, PT and speech. It functions just like how you would imagine a preschool - circle time, centers, playground time, snacks, and lunch. When I picked him up yesterday he was sitting at the table coloring with his buddies! I got information about PTA which for some reason made me feel old :) Truthfully I am excited to be a part of the PTA and I know it will mean a lot to me to a part of Blake's school experiences. All in all we are so happy to be a part of the Meyer Center and look forward to watching Blake continue to grow and learn!
Blake is at his 2nd day of school and Dane is napping upstairs. I wasn't quite sure what to do! I guess taking pictures of flowers seemed like a good option and better than continuing to unpack and organize :) Blake really loves his school. He carried his backpack in by himself today with just a little help to hang it on the hook, then went right into his room to play! No hug today - just like yesterday. I cried when I left him as an 8-month old and I wanted to cry yesterday because he wouldn't hug me goodbye! The Meyer Center has a great program. He will be in a classroom from 9am-1:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He has all kinds of activities and therapies including music therapy, OT, PT and speech. It functions just like how you would imagine a preschool - circle time, centers, playground time, snacks, and lunch. When I picked him up yesterday he was sitting at the table coloring with his buddies! I got information about PTA which for some reason made me feel old :) Truthfully I am excited to be a part of the PTA and I know it will mean a lot to me to a part of Blake's school experiences. All in all we are so happy to be a part of the Meyer Center and look forward to watching Blake continue to grow and learn!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Cute Pics!
I don't normally confine my children to one of their cribs, but I put Blake in Dane's crib just to let them play a little after they woke up from their naps. It was the first time I put them in a crib together, and it ended up being very funny to both of them...which provided an opportunity for some cute photos! After the fun, they decided to help me with the laundry. I use "help" VERY lightly!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
What a week...

It's Unbelieveable! Here is a picture of Matt after he got home this morning. After starting on his pediatric surgery rotation 10 days ago, on August 1st, he hasn't had a day off and has clocked 130 hours! Needless to say, it has taken a toll!
Okay, so this really isn't Matt. I have no clue who he is - just found him on the internet. (and, no, not on one of THOSE sites!). It has been just a whirlwind for Matt the last 10 days. He has left no later than 3:30am and gotten home no earlier than 6pm. He has also been on call the last two Fridays which has meant being at the hospital from 4am on Friday morning until around 11am Saturday morning. Sleep? Not really.
Then there is me. I'm tired, too. Dane has started this massive teething project, which has lead to several chunks of my nights awake with a screaming baby. Thank goodness for Motrin, Tylenol and Orajel...and for Blake being a hard sleeper and not waking up. Then there was that day when I woke up to have my first experience with poop being OUTSIDE Blake's diaper all over his bumper and the air conditioning going out in our house that same day --- with 100 degree weather. These rough and tough contractor guys just about saw the wrath of me!
Matt continues on pediatric surgery until September 1, but only has one more on call weekend. The weeks this month will continue to be long and challenging, but at least we have some weekend time to look forward to. THEN...we have a lot more time to look forward to in September and October with those rotations. Which is fantastic because the weather will be cooling off and Fall will arrive. Here Fall is supposed to be amazing and a lot longer than the 2 week average in Kansas City. When I meet folks who have transplanted here from various parts of the U.S. they always tell me the weather during the Fall is why they tolerate the heat and humidity of Summer and why they are never going to leave Greenville. I can't even wait to go to the mountains to see the trees changing. Those thoughts and images are what keep me going!
So, a few more hours until Matt is out the door and the week starts over! Luckily our days are full of errands, therapy and play dates. Life is good (and interesting) here in Greenville! Hope it is where you are!
Monday, August 4, 2008
BMW Museum & Visitor's Center
Grandpa & Grandma Hollenbeck's visit to Greenville!
We had a GREAT time with Steve and Sonya, although I think Matt may have seen them for a total of 4 hours during their entire visit due to being on call and crazy work hours! We spent time at the BMW plant, the mall (thankful for the indoor playground with the heat!), and the Reedy River trails. We also tried a BBQ restaurant called "Smoke on the Water." This is Matt and my 3rd attempt to finding good BBQ here in the Carolinas. Well...try, try again. It isn't bad, just different than Kansas City BBQ! And you know how us KC folks think our BBQ is the best! I'm sure we will adjust and learn to enjoy it as much as the Carolinians. They did have good mac & cheese! We also went to the BMW plant here in Greenville...the ONLY one in the United States!! They manufacture the Z4, X5 and X6..and they are so hideous :) Really, I would take one of each! Maybe I should get a job there to get all the perks...and a car at a good deal! We enjoyed a walk along the Reedy River trails...I should say partially enjoyed and partially tolerated the heat. Man it warms up quickly here and I always feel somewhat rushed to get a walk or run done so the boys don't get too toasty! Luckily, my mother-in-law and I got to sneak in some shopping time, which is definitely a priority! It was so nice to have a visit from family and the boys had a great time playing with Grandpa and Grandma - no spoiling, of course :) The pictures above are from the restaurant downtown, the Reedy River trails and outside the BMW visitor's center. See the next post for more BMW pictures!
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